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jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Duchess Swan

Today has gone, unofficially, and only in the English website Ever After High way, the artwork tab Duchess Swan.
And here begins the problem ... Can not you see things too changed to what we're used to seeing on the show? It's what always happens with artworks, which later dolls are based. A real shame. To see these differences we compared in the following image:

From top to bottom.
We started with her ​​headdress, seems in fact metal beads adorned with a couple of feathers in purple and sustained in the head with a white pearl tiara series. The artwork and wrist have it completely purple, no color variations and pearls are black instead of white.
The slopes in the series are a kind of pen-arrow and the artwork together three small feathers.
The necklace has gone from being a delicate black ribbon with a purple to be a grotesque dog collar black gem.
The series takes an identical ring gem necklace, but the artwork apart from a swan-shaped ring, a bracelet that has been invented for free.
And finally, the top of her dress in the series has a built beautiful corset. Now it is an entire black plastic corset ugliest.

And here the differences that we see. When we see the full artwork or wrist see if they have changed the skirt, stockings or the color of your shoes.
To you, what version of Duchess you prefer?
Update: Now the letter Duchess Swan and artwork are available in SPANISH EAH page.

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